Course curriculum

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    Krubi Krabong course manual

    • Lesson Plan Fillable sheet

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    Chapter 1. Building foundation

    • Choose your training equipment

    • Basic directions

    • Stances and footwork. Forming Yaang Sam Khum1

    • 1. Fighting stance

    • 2. Guard, Stance, Directions

    • 3. Krabi Krabong footwork

    • Forming Yaang Sam Khum 2.

    • Common Essential Thai Phrases

    • Yaang Yok

    • Fundamental Targets

    • Recap lessons

    • 1. Fighting stance

    • Assignment

    • Fundamental Defense (8)

    • Fundamental 8 Basic Chamber

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    Chapter 2. It’s all about the flow and kinetic chains

    • Fundamental strikes (Mai 8) for limited training space

    • Mai 8 defense

    • Kuang Nah

    • Fun Kuang Khum (Full body)

    • Levels of swords maneuver

    • Testing your Thai

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    Chapter 3. The transitions of swords flow

    • Kuang Kanahn

    • Sarn Bon

    • Sarn Laang

    • Figuring 8 partner one hand

    • Figuring 8 double swords with partner